What is koala habitat restoration?

On Australia’s east coast, koalas face a mounting number of threats which means extinction a real risk, but one of the biggest threats is undoubtedly the destruction of their habitat. Koala habitat restoration is one way of addressing this threat head on.

In its most basic form, it means re-establishing and replenishing lost habitat by planting trees that koalas use for food, protection and to move around safely. But to be truly effective and impactful, koala habitat restoration requires more than that.

For one thing, it needs to be strategic so that, over time, planting and restoration efforts will eventually link up to create a koala wildlife corridor which koalas and other wildlife can use to not just survive but thrive as they move from place to place. And in order to achieve this, it requires landholders in key areas to come on board at the right time and in the right place.

Since 2019, Bangalow Koalas has been facilitating exactly that. We’ve not only planted more than 410,000 trees, we’ve done it across 114 different properties to create a corridor that, in the years to come, will have a genuine impact for the region’s koala population. In fact, it’s already having an impact now.

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