Why is saving koalas so important right now?

In 2022, koalas were listed as endangered in Queensland, NSW and the ACT meaning that without action, koala extinction in these areas, by or before 2050, is a real risk. The fact is, due to a number of threats, including loss of habitat thanks to land clearing and bush fire as well as traffic strikes, dog attacks and the deadly koala Chlamydia disease, Australia lost 30% of its total koala population between 2018 and 2021 alone. NSW fared the worst, experiencing a 41% decline in koalas over this short time frame.

Fortunately, saving koalas is high on the agenda for a number of high-profile animal welfare and conservation organisations, including WWF-Australia, which Bangalow Koalas is proud to partner with. In line with WWF-Australia’s Koalas Forever campaign, Bangalow Koalas is committed to getting 500,000 trees in the ground by the end of 2025 to create a thriving koala wildlife corridor across NSW’s Northern Rivers.

The good news is more than 410,000 of those trees are already planted across more than 150 sites and properties.

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